The board of Ivalo & Minik Fonden has at a board meeting awarded grants to seven Greenlanders to study abroad. There are awarded grants for a little more than half a million danish kroner. That satifies the chairman Minik Rosing:
“I hope that our grants can help provide students with some skills and experience to benefit both themselves and Greenland. I also hope that all grant recipients will have some good stays and that they subsequent will return to Greenland and use the knowledge they have acquired, “he says.
Royal Arctic Line A/S, Royal Greenland A/S, GrønlandsBANKEN’s Erhvervsfond and NunaFonden have donated the money Ivalo & Minik Foundation awards and for that Minik Rosing is extremely grateful.
“Let me just say it like it is. If we did not get donations, we could not award grants. I would therefore like to thank our contributors that it is possible for us to support those students who wants to study abroad,”says Minik Rosing.
The grant recipients
Andrea Christiansen has received a grant so she can attend one semester at Vancouver Island University in Canada in connection with her education to become a journalist from Ilisimatusarfik.
Angùnguak Thomas Kleist Jepsen has received a grant so he can study three semesters at Curtin University in Australia in connection with his education in geology at the University of Copenhagen.
Birthe Rasmussen is studying to be a nurse at Ilisimatusarfik. She has received a grant to complete a traineeship as a nurse in Tanzania via Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke.
Hans Peder Kirkegaard has received a grant to take a Master in International Trade at Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina in the United States.
Mikaela Augustussen is a nurse and is currently studying a Ph.D. course at Ilisimatusarfik entitled “Palliative care for Greenland patients with advanced cancer in Greenland and Denmark.” She has thereby received a grant to do research on Norway’s Arctic University of Tromsø.
Mona Koch Madsen is a nurse. She has received a grant to study to be an intensive care nurse at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
Uiloq Mathæussen is bachelor from Ilisimatusarfik in Language, Literature and Media. As part of her further education, she has to study a semester at Université De Versailles St. Quentin En Yvelines in France and she has received a grant to do so .
Ivalo & Minik Fonden continues to provide grants. Next deadline is February 15, 2016. The Board looks forward to receive many good applications by then.